Author Donstruck 3 Jan 2016
Nuremberg Chronicle 1493 -wiki
Greater Understanding
Colonize the Solar System
Protect Mankind
Stockholm Sun Dog Painting 1535 -wiki
Lowitz's diagram of solar halos (1790). The Sun (labeled αβa) lies within the two overlapping circles near the bottom of the image. Sun dogs (labeled bx and cy) lie to the Sun's left and right. The "Lowitz arcs" (labeled xi and yk) descend at an acute angle from the sun dogs and intersect the circles that surround the Sun. -Wiki
What is TRUTH?
Universal HOPE's goal is to have the foundations of its policies, beliefs and programs based on an accurate model of reality. Implementing this goal is a major objective.
Universal HOPE believes that
Truth and Understanding
can be divided into Three systems:
Universal Truths that exist without the intervention of Mankind, such as stars.
Personal Truths that each of us individually perceive through our senses and believe to be true.
Modeled Truths are the best available descriptions of Universal Truths that have been independently examined, developed by consensus, and shared.
Understanding our World is essential to the development of the policies that guide our society.
The philosophers and great thinkers of the past made significant contributions to our knowledge of the world, and we would be ill-advised to ignore the tips of buried mountains that they had discovered and uncovered.
At the same time, we must recognize that they were handicapped and distracted by multitudes of conflicting ideologies, many incorporating strains of sentiment and opinion buttressed by volume and emotion.
Today’s generation benefits from the system of separation of facts from fiction (Albertus Magnus, etc.) articulated by Francis Bacon as the "Novum Organum Scientiarum" and sometimes called the BS Filter by modern detectives. The compendium of information in the last 400 years and amplified by the significant works of the last forty years has created new massifs of knowledge as big or larger than any from the previous 5000 years.
These Understandings form the Foundation
upon which Universal HOPE is built.