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Truth and Understanding

Merits of HOPE Logic

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Colonize the Solar System
Protect Mankind

The Merits of the

Universal Hope Natural Philosophy:



Big Picture Outline:  


Universal HOPE builds its policies on a Greater Understanding of our Universe.  Below are the stepping stones and logic that support our Beliefs, starting with Universal Truths and Modeled knowledge, capped with the conclusions that are required for the improvement and sustainability of Civilization.  “We hold these truths to be self evident.”


The Universe Exists Without Mankind

·         The Universe can be Uncaring


Life Exists Within the Universe

·         Life is a Gift

·         Perhaps, in some way, the Universe is Caring


The Universe Exists Within Mankind

·         Life is Part of the Universe

·         Mankind is part of Life


Life is Good

·         Life is more important than cold rock

·         People are Important


“I think, therefore, I am.”

·         The ability to articulate this idea is unique in Mankind

·         You are Important, I am important


The Stars and Universal Truths exist

·         Mankind and Personal Truth exists

·         Modeled Truths describe Universal Truths 


The Ethical Challenge

·         Producers, Predators, and Parasites all exist in Nature.  They all have an equal value in                       the Universe.

·         The tree, the cow, the lion, and the human, have the same weight ethically. 


The Orca Corundum: 

·         Orcas are Life, Orcas have Merit, Orcas eat Life, that is Life

·         Mankind is Life, People have Merit


The Bare Philosophy

·         A natural world, Earth, exists, and you exist in this world

·         What you do, or don’t do, is your responsibility, and only you are responsible for your                          survival


 Tiger Tales

·         Tigers and Lions are the same under the skin

·         The behavior of tigers and lions are consistent and dissimilar, and not caused by cultural                    and environmental differences


The Cooperation Postulate:

·         Within the natural world, life has formed many types of cooperative groups.

·         Mankind has shown its ability to overcome zero-net-sum environments and be positively                    productive


The Pecking Order Group (POG)

·         Human Genetics creates a suite of impulses that includes a desire for association and


·         Left alone, these instincts and emotions tend to culminate in basic and beneficial social                    groups


Human Behavior and Social Groups

·         Animal, and Pack

·         Tribal, and Civil


Civilization is Special

·         Net-Sum-Positive

·         Better for the Individual than other group models


Society Rules

·         We are subject to our society.

·         We are responsible for our society.


Why Universal HOPE

·         Greater Understanding

·         Better Morals

·         Higher Purpose

·         Improved Civilization

·         Real Hope



·         Support Mankind

·         Protect Mankind

·         Bring Life to the Universe, Bring the Universe to LIFE


Understanding our World is essential to the development of the policies that guide our society, protects us as individuals, and improves the future. 



Universal HOPE

website under development

To whom might be reading this:  Thank you for inquiring this far, the website is still being developed.  As of March 2019 the outline of the thesis has been published, there remains thousands of pages of notes recording the justifications for the statements and claims made in the outline.  They represent my life's work.


There is a significant amount of hubris contained in the overarching concept of this thesis;  "We HOPE to save Mankind."  . . .   


But, although this is true, I do not believe I have encountered any human culture capable of taking us into the future, they are all flawed in some regard.  And although I have some small adolescent bravado, I do not think I am a buffoon, a dangerous combination of arrogance and ignorance.


So, I push on, attempt to bring it all together, collate it, and communicate.  I will raise the flag, and see if anyone salutes.


Something needs to be done, must be done.  


These further pages of justification are incomplete, a mishmash that will, time allowing, be organized into a comprehensive, concise, even perhaps, eloquent transmission of ideas and solutions.


After the pebble is dropped, and the initial ripples reaching the shores of concerned people, the whole thesis will be deposited in one of the disciplinary repositories subject to the jury of the most august and informed bodies of wisdom, you.


Can it be done?  In my lifetime, Hyman Rickover and Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, by their personal energies, have changed the world.  Let's give it a try.


Below is a mess of notes.  Sorry.

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