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Greater Understanding


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Colonize the Solar System
Protect Mankind

Universal HOPE

website under development

To whom might be reading this:  Thank you for inquiring this far, the website is still being developed.  As of March 2019 the outline of the thesis has been published, there remains thousands of pages of notes recording the justifications for the statements and claims made in the outline.  They represent my life's work.


There is a significant amount of hubris contained in the overarching concept of this thesis;  "We HOPE to save Mankind."  . . .   


But, although this is true, I do not believe I have encountered any human culture capable of taking us into the future, they are all flawed in some regard.  And although I have some small adolescent bravado, I do not think I am a buffoon, a dangerous combination of arrogance and ignorance.


So, I push on, attempt to bring it all together, collate it, and communicate.  I will raise the flag, and see if anyone salutes.


Something needs to be done, must be done.  


These further pages of justification are incomplete, a mishmash that will, time allowing, be organized into a comprehensive, concise, even perhaps, eloquent transmission of ideas and solutions.


After the pebble is dropped, and the initial ripples reaching the shores of concerned people, the whole thesis will be deposited in one of the disciplinary repositories subject to the jury of the most august and informed bodies of wisdom, you.


Can it be done?  In my lifetime, Hyman Rickover and Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, by their personal energies, have changed the world.  Let's give it a try.


Below is a mess of notes.  Sorry.

Dictum One : TRUTH

We Believe:


  • The Universe Exists without Mankind

  • Mankind Exists within the Universe

  • The Universe exists within Mankind

  • Universal and Personal Truths exist


By bringing Life to the Universe

The Universe is brought to Life


Mankind is Protected


What is TRUTH?

Universal HOPE's goal is to have the foundations of its policies, beliefs and programs based on an accurate model of reality.  Implementing this goal is a major objective.



Understanding our World is essential to the development of the policies that guide our society. 


  • The philosophers and great thinkers of the past made significant contributions to our knowledge of the world, and we would be ill-advised to ignore the tips of buried mountains that they had discovered and uncovered.

  • At the same time, we must recognize that they were handicapped and distracted by multitudes of conflicting ideologies, many incorporating strains of sentiment and opinion as truth buttressed by volume and emotion.  

  • Today’s generation benefits from the system of separation of facts from fiction (Albertus Magnus, etc.) articulated by Francis Bacon as the "Novum Organum Scientiarum" and sometimes called the BS Filter by modern detectives.  The compendium of information in the last 400 years and amplified by the significant works of the last forty years has created new massifs of knowledge as big or larger than any from the last 4000 years. 


Universal HOPE believes that Truth and Understanding can be divided into three systems: 


  • Universal Truths that exist without the intervention of Mankind, such as stars.

  • Modeled Truths are the best available descriptions of Universal Truths that have been developed and independently examined.

  • Personal Truths that each of us individually perceive through our senses and believe to be true.


the ability to recognize the consequences of decisions and actions,

necessary for the development of Effective Guidance and Policy

Universal HOPE believes that Truth and Understanding

are the basis of Wisdom,

The result?          747s Really FLY!


Universal HOPE believes the following methodology (BS Filter) is necessary for finding, identifying and describing Universal Truths:


  • An individual finds or discovers new knowledge

  • The individual examines the find, and proposes its origin

  • The individual shares this information with others

  • The individual must leave the find with observers who examine it independently

  • If they concur with the finding, they share and publish their observations as a Modeled Truth, making note of all the caveats and limitations of their conclusions, allowing a wider dissemination and review


The Universal Body of Knowledge is the collection of these Modeled Truths.  Each one developed is added to with the proviso that it will continue to be evaluated and compared to existing knowledge and future discoveries. The Universal Body of Knowledge is similar to the WIKI, or a Britannica, but more conservative.

Universal HOPE rejects


  • Exotic solutions that demand everyone is just part of some super-being’s imagination.

  • Concepts that could be called Princeton Philosophies where everything is relativistic.

  • Personal Truths that are claimed to be the only TRUE Universal Truth.



The following are examples of the application of the BS filter:


L.Ron Hubbard: Over the years Ron made a number of observations that can be examined with the BS Filter: the human body can be influenced and healed by the mind, and in July of 1952, became the first to scientifically isolate, measure and describe the human spirit.


  • Since the observations have not been recorded and made available to the general public and independent researchers, they fail the BS Filter even though some agree with many other observations that the mind can have some influences on the body.


Big Bang COSMOLOGY: many articles describe what the universe must have looked like in the first second of creation.


  • Many fail the BS Filter by not including the caveat that we must assume physics continues to be operating the same at that distance and time, when we know we don’t understand gravity since even local galaxies are organized and act in ways not described by our current physical models.


Bernoulli Effect:  Describes the relationship observed between pressure and speed of a fluid.


·         Published and exposed to independent verification.  Passes the BS Filter.  A 747 does fly.



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