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Better Morals Explained

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Colonize the Solar System
Protect Mankind

"People must respect each other, society, and themselves

for Civilization to Survive"


Universal Hope



Life is a gift, be thankful


  • Prepare yourself with understanding, effort, commitment and compromise,

  • Do not demand to be blessed for your effort.

  • Reject anger and resentment because they are harmful, blind, self-centered and incapable of learning


You are responsible


  • You have a responsibility and a right to life and liberty

  • Work hard for your sustenance, your marriage, your family, and for your society

  • Remove yourself from the world’s responsibilities periodically so to sustain your life’s effort


Marriage is stronger

than facing the Universe alone


  • “I” died the day “WE” got married, commit yourself to the marriage

  • Do not allow your mother, father or children to break the marriage bond

  • Thou shalt not commit adultery from within or into a committed relationship


Families are the foundation of society and life and all partners shall


  • Support the common need before their personal goals

  • Nurture the next generation,

  • Understand and respect their ancestors, for they survived




Be responsible for society,

for society will nurture you


  • All people are created with equal value

  • Respect and Care for your neighbors, do onto others as you would have them do unto you

  • Contribute to your society


Do not be a predator upon society


  • Do not commit murder

  • Do not commit assault

  • Do not commit rape


Do not be a parasite upon society


  • Do not steal

  • Do not deceive nor bear false witness

  • Do not take advantage of other’s misfortunes


Reject pleasures for pleasure sake,

they are false and short lived


  • Avoid unrealistic expectations, for they cause women to go crazy and men to become mad

  • Do not have intercourse unless in a committed relationship, do not voluntarily become a single parent

  • Avoid drugs and alcohol except during common celebration, and then only in moderation


Do not be tempted by status


  • The pursuit of fame is a false god

  • Do not be a bully or belittle others

  • Do not covet or be envious of others





God is greater than the Universe


  • Maintain your personal relationship with God as you will

  • Do not interfere with another person’s relationship with God, theirs is as important as yours,

  • God is Responsible for heaven we are responsible for society

Universal HOPE

website under development

To whom might be reading this:  Thank you for inquiring this far, the website is still being developed.  As of March 2019 the outline of the thesis has been published, there remains thousands of pages of notes recording the justifications for the statements and claims made in the outline.  They represent my life's work.


There is a significant amount of hubris contained in the overarching concept of this thesis;  "We HOPE to save Mankind."  . . .   


But, although this is true, I do not believe I have encountered any human culture capable of taking us into the future, they are all flawed in some regard.  And although I have some small adolescent bravado, I do not think I am a buffoon, a dangerous combination of arrogance and ignorance.


So, I push on, attempt to bring it all together, collate it, and communicate.  I will raise the flag, and see if anyone salutes.


Something needs to be done, must be done.  


These further pages of justification are incomplete, a mishmash that will, time allowing, be organized into a comprehensive, concise, even perhaps, eloquent transmission of ideas and solutions.


After the pebble is dropped, and the initial ripples reaching the shores of concerned people, the whole thesis will be deposited in one of the disciplinary repositories subject to the jury of the most august and informed bodies of wisdom, you.


Can it be done?  In my lifetime, Hyman Rickover and Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, by their personal energies, have changed the world.  Let's give it a try.


Below is a mess of notes.  Sorry.

moral copy 10 commandments
moral copy resp society
Anchor 1
Anchor 2

Dictum Two : LIFE


We believe these truths to be self-evident:


  • Life is Good

  • People are part of Life

  • All People are created with Equal Worth

  • All People have the Responsibility and Right of Life and Liberty


Civilization must support People

People must support Civilization

©2019 by Universal Hope. Proudly created with

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