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CANDU` Expanded

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Colonize the Solar System
Protect Mankind



Context helps me get control of

my habits and emotions and linked thinking

Candu initial purpose is to establish a robust philosophy to establish a basic quality of life that is valid irregardless of the cultural environment, good or bad.


disconnect in large part the cycles of emotion from the events of the day


unrealistic and unrealized expectations is why women go crazy and men become mad


inspiration is encouraged (given statement above). an intellectual visualiztion of goals, dusted with positive emotion


life might be best served if 95-99% is process oriented, vs goal oriented, since the process can be enjoyed/appreciated for a long time.  achieving a goal is often not what one expects and is disappointing


Robert Sapolsky writes that much chemical response in the brain is context oriented (mathematical changing coordinate systems?)


to conjecture beyond Sapolksy's work, one could propose that habitituation is partially a chemical process, and that it takes actual energy or some some of catlist to break though the walls of the rut (habit), and that good habits formed young make adult like significantly easier (need less energy, less hard)


therefore, Candu needs to identify behavior  mechanisms that are positive and supporting for both the individual and for the surrounding community and identify which ones would benefit by being part of a suite of habit training of our youth (teeth, cleaning, math tables, alphabet, expectation limits, seven commandments, etc)


Stoicism) practical, therapy for the emotions (Jules Evans), develop reason and virtue, [CANDU` is not dedicated to "happiness"],  not being attached to the external world and goods, life's obstacles have the potential for growth/awakening; cognitive- behavioral-therapy, all emotions contain judgement (contex), control the opinion of contex, choose perspective, person value based upon the opinions of others is a false center, socratic method of questioning, why am i getting worked up about this, what underlying belief is supporting my negative emotional reaction, is the belief true to the real nature of things?

why is my belief  emphasis on things that cannot be controlled by  me?  why not attach it to truths within my own control, my opinion about myselkf is based within me, and according to the constitution, the bible and UH, we all have worth.  our capabilites are all different, but nonbe of us are perfect, and noe are worthless, we are all on a journey affecting our worth and not to diminsh our primary equal value.  this belief (stoicism) affects emotions, behavior, and neurotransmitters.  


Universal HOPE

website under development

To whom might be reading this:  Thank you for inquiring this far, the website is still being developed.  As of March 2019 the outline of the thesis has been published, there remains thousands of pages of notes recording the justifications for the statements and claims made in the outline.  They represent my life's work.


There is a significant amount of hubris contained in the overarching concept of this thesis;  "We HOPE to save Mankind."  . . .   


But, although this is true, I do not believe I have encountered any human culture capable of taking us into the future, they are all flawed in some regard.  And although I have some small adolescent bravado, I do not think I am a buffoon, a dangerous combination of arrogance and ignorance.


So, I push on, attempt to bring it all together, collate it, and communicate.  I will raise the flag, and see if anyone salutes.


Something needs to be done, must be done.  


These further pages of justification are incomplete, a mishmash that will, time allowing, be organized into a comprehensive, concise, even perhaps, eloquent transmission of ideas and solutions.


After the pebble is dropped, and the initial ripples reaching the shores of concerned people, the whole thesis will be deposited in one of the disciplinary repositories subject to the jury of the most august and informed bodies of wisdom, you.


Can it be done?  In my lifetime, Hyman Rickover and Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, by their personal energies, have changed the world.  Let's give it a try.


Below is a mess of notes.  Sorry.

"Imagine a world where you fit comfortably

and you are safe and secure"


Embrace Candu`


  • The Universe exists without you    |   There are Universal Truths

  • The Universe exists within you   |    There are Personal Truths

  • You have value   |    Be at peace with yourself and the Universe

  • Set high standards for yourself  |  Make no demands upon the Universe


  • Acknowledge and be comforted by:

    • Being part of the Universe

    • Life is a Gift

    • Being part of a larger family of like souls

    • Your larger family has your interests at heart

    • Your larger family has a greater understanding

    • Your larger family can solve issues that you cannot

Control of one's life includes control of ones habits and emotions​

recognizing context may allow to reset emotional turmoil at its core

Quality of Life can be equated to life expectancy

according to Sapolsky -

- much of our opinions and reactions can be strongly predicted by neurological/biological/chemical response to situational events

Core Beliefs

Life is a Gift, and

In this Uncertain World,

The future is not Guaranteed,

However, if We Work Hard Together,

We have a Chance, and that is Reason for HOPE


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