Protect LIFE | Help HUMANITY | Explore the UNIVERSE
Universal Hope has Four Core Beliefs
Dictum One : Greater Understanding
We Believe:
UNIVERSAL Truths Exist
PERSONAL Truths Exist
Humanity has Developed MODELED Truths to reflect a common and Greater Understanding
The Universe Exists without Mankind
Mankind Exists within the Universe
The Universe exists within Mankind
By bringing Life to the Universe
The Universe is brought to Life
We believe these truths to be self-evident:
Life is Good
People are part of Life
Dedicated to the proposition that all people are created equal
All People have the Equal Responsibility and Right of Life and Liberty
A Just Society must be Of the People, By the People, and For the People
Do not Treat People in ways you do not want to be Treated
Treat Others the way you would want to be Treated
Civilization must support People
People must support Civilization
Dictum Three : Meaningful PURPOSE
We believe this is a Purpose we can follow for a Lifetime
Protect LIFE
Explore the UNIVERSE
We Aspire to form a more Perfect Society
Our Present to the Future
Dictum Four : Reason for HOPE
We Believe:
People are not necessarily doomed
People are not necessarily guaranteed a utopia
Life is a Gift, and
In this Uncertain World,
Our future is not Guaranteed,
However, if We Work Hard, Together,
We have a Chance, and that is Reason for HOPE
We Believe Universal HOPE has
Sun Halo photo made available by MaxPixel